Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Black Cat 04

Episode Summary:

Sven and Rinslet team up to save Eve, and they fight a losing battle against Train, who enters the mansion to erase Eve. Sven uses his right eye, finds the room before Train does, and has a brief conversation with Eve.

Rinslet finds the database deep within the mansion, and is disgusted by the warped monsters created via nanomachines.

Train finds Eve shortly after, and Sven sneaks off with Eve after dealing Train a punch. Stopped by uncle. Eve is forced to wear a device that turns her into a monster, and Sven, in all his gentlemanly honor, takes a stab from Eve while removing the device from her.

Train locates the escaped trio soon after, was about to execute Eve, but Saya's words made him change his mind. That night, Train smiled for the first time.


Pretty good episode, although the whole story is way off the manga, i guess thats how they put action into the start. Character development wise, it fits the manga, but now two development plots are being squashed together. Saya and Trains past were two years early in this anime. Nevertheless, great animation and I look forward to subsequent episodes.


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