Friday, November 18, 2005

Black Cat 06

Episode summary:

Train faces off with Sephira and Creed faces off two other Chronos members. Don't know why they've been sidelined, but Cerebrus members are shown this episode.

Sephira is pissed that Train has abandoned his gun =). More cat and mouse chasing, pretty fun to watch XD. The parallel occurences were.. violent. Creed decides to torment the Chronos numbers, and brandishing his kotetsu, (now enhacned with a tao blade), he makes easy work of them.

Bug Member of Creed's team appears. (can't bother to remember his name). The usual talisman stuff, and there! the real ploy of Creed is revealed. Talk ensues and Train is decided to be of less priority than Creed at the moment.

Saya meets up with Train and flirts around, running about, drinking milk and the sorts. Its getting pretty boring, but hey, that the last time we'll see her around.

Thats right. Creed finished her off this episode. and Train, full of anguish, decides to take revenge.


Sleek animation as usual, and a very nice episode on the overal. As of now the anime has spun at least 45 degrees off the manga track. As a standalone however, it isn't doing too bad. Saya. death scene was very well made, sort of choreographed.

Next episode we see the team bonding. ( sven, train ,rinslet, eve). Its probably then that the action picks up . Yayyyyy!


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